By Natural Playgrounds on Friday, 12 June 2020
Category: Blog

Kids Tell Us What They Want

by Ron King, Natural Playgrounds Company

25 years ago, we interviewed 600 kids in one school. They ranged in age from Kindergarten through 4th grade, and every student in every class participated.

We presented a slide show in which we showed the kids 4 different scenarios, with 2 comparison photos for each, told them there was no right or wrong answer, and asked them a basic question. 

Photo 1: was an 8’ shade gazebo in the middle of a playground with kids sitting under it. The comparison photo was a stone wall circle in the woods. I asked the kids where they would rather be sitting and talking with their friends.

Photo 2: was a photo of an 8 year old leaning against a large tree in open woods. The comparison photo was a bunch of kids on a playground. I asked the kids where they would rather be. 

Photo 3: was of 2 large playgrounds filled with brand-new equipment. The comparison photo was of woods by a lake with snow-capped mountains in the distance. (I always explained to the teachers that I knew that open water and snow capped mountains would not be found on any playground, but these photos were meant to inspire kids to think and imagine what it would be like to be in these various scenarios.) I asked the kids where they would rather be.

Photo 4: was of several playgrounds that had the large, fake boulders with different climbing things built into them. The comparison photo was a bunch of real boulders in the woods. I asked the kids where they would rather be climbing.

For every one of the comparisons, 100% of the kids chose the scenarios that were in natural settings.

At the end of the slideshow, I asked every age group to give me reasons why they preferred the more natural setting. I told him there was no right or wrong answer, but that I was just curious as to why they made the choice.

Below is the information compiled from the 600 children. Keep in mind that the kindergartners were every bit as vocal as all the other age children, and they all were saying the same kinds of things.

We were absolutely blown away by their responses.

Please keep in mind that all these thoughts were inspired by pictures only! Kids weren't in these natural settings, and some of them had never been to those kinds of natural settings, feeling the breezes and the coolness, smelling the smells, hearing the birds. They were just looking at photos!!!

And obviously, they were comparing the pictures to their actual experiences on playgrounds.

There is no getting around the visceral reactions the kids were having, and there’s no getting around the fact that they preferred being surrounded by nature. In the last 25 years, we’ve interviewed over 6,000 students, and they’ve all given his the exact same responses!! 

This is why it is so absolutely critical to bring nature to schools.

Below are their responses compiled under headings that allowed us to group them. 

Some of the responses are just beautiful.

Why did you prefer the more natural setting?

Just because it’s natural

It’s very peaceful

I can play with nature

There’s more of a chance to see wildlife

There are more things to do

There are many different opportunities

Natural places are more fun

Natural Places are more exciting

It seems like there’s more room

Compared to Playgrounds?

 Kids clearly want to be in natural settings, and they clearly appreciate all the play and learning opportunities nature offers, so when you’re thinking about giving them a new outdoor play environment at their school, or in their backyard, give them what they clearly want.

Give them a Natural Playground!